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Gympass Makes Two Powerful Partnerships with CorePower Yoga & 24 Hour Fitness

Gympass Makes Two Powerful Partnerships with CorePower Yoga & 24 Hour Fitness

Woman doing weight exercise
Gympass has agreed to two more partnership deals with 24 Hour Fitness and CorePower Yoga. The latest business alliances come not long after the release of Gympass’ first annual State of Work-Life Wellness Report study.

Gympass is bidding farewell to 2022 in a big way. Right on the heels of announcing a partnership with Stronger U Nutrition, the acclaimed corporate wellbeing platform has also partnered with CorePower Yoga and 24 Hour Fitness. This news comes not long after the release of Gympass’ inaugural State of Work-Life Wellness Report, which sheds light on the present work-life imbalance in today’s society, per Gympass’ findings from the study.  

Gympass members in the United States will now be able to go to any of CorePower Yoga’s 180-plus locations for their fitness needs. In addition, both 24 Hour Fitness and Gympass lovers can merge their affinity for both brands, thanks to the duo’s new collaborative business effort. In a statement for the press, Gympass CEO and co-founder Cesar Carvalho explains why he feels so confident about his company’s decision to partner with 24 Hour Fitness.

Man doing yoga

“Adding 24 Hour Fitness to Gympass’ roster of fitness studios strengthens our mission to make wellbeing universal by offering employees a range of wellness studios they can take advantage of at any time that works for them,” says Carvalho. Indeed, Gympass users can take advantage of any of the nearly 300 24 Hour Fitness gyms across the country. 

As for the new CorePower Yoga partnership deal with Gympass, the latter’s vice president of Partnerships, Massi Sardi, tells Athletech News about the significance this alliance represents for placing more attention on work-life wellness for all. He explains, “The past few years have shown us just how important it is to prioritize wellbeing — in and outside of the workplace — and this partnership with CorePower Yoga empowers employees to take care of both their mental and physical health through the mindfulness of yoga. When employers can support their teams with these tools, we see more engaged, happier employees and a healthier workforce overall.”

Woman on yoga mat

CorePower Yoga’s chief of staff and head of Strategy, Alex Pasley, adds, “We are excited to expand our corporate wellness strategy with an industry-leading partner like Gympass. Our partnership with Gympass will help to grow our student community across the country and bring more yoga to more people in service of overall health and wellbeing. Workers today demand more work-life balance and physical and emotional health. We’re thrilled to work with a company whose mission advances the availability of critical wellbeing options for modern workforces.” 

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Over 10,000 companies utilize Gympass’ well-rounded network of fitness trainers, gyms, classes, and apps to suit the health and wellness needs for a number of employees.

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