FlexIt Brings Wellness Experiences to The Vitamin Shoppe Loyalty Program Members, via ISSA

Members of The Vitamin Shoppe’s Healthy Awards loyalty program are in for a treat with FlexIt’s interconnected health sessions to help them achieve their wellness goals
Interconnected health platform FlexIt and nationally recognized personal training certification agency International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) have partnered with The Vitamin Shoppe to introduce the Healthy Awards loyalty program members at the Shoppe to live interconnected health sessions at FlexIt.
FlexIt and ISSA announced their partnership back in February. The Vitamin Shoppe is listed as one of ISSA’s brand partners.
“We are excited to continue to champion the industry through strategic brand-building initiatives,” says Andrew Wyant, CEO of ISSA. “We have great relationships with FlexIt and The Vitamin Shoppe and there’s no better way to move the health and wellness industry forward than by connecting two of these industry-leading brands and their communities.”
The collaboration will connect The Vitamin Shoppe’s loyalty members with fitness experts from a variety of wellness modalities, with the experts working with the members live through virtual, online sessions via FlexIt.
“Our mission is to provide the FlexIt community with the most immersive, most interactive experience possible,” said Austin Cohen, CEO and Founder of FlexIt. “ISSA has been instrumental in helping grow both the quality and quantity of fitness professionals within the FlexIt community. ISSA is now helping to expand that community further through our newest partnership with The Vitamin Shoppe. The Vitamin Shoppe’s millions of Healthy Awards loyalty program members will now get the opportunity to experience what FlexIt’s Interconnected Health sessions are all about.”
Some of the fitness program options for The Vitamin Shoppe loyalty program members include nutrition, cardio, pilates, strength, yoga, dance, barre, physical therapy, recovery, stretching, pre- and post-natal, and senior fitness.
FlexIt says the individual programs are convenient and adaptable with each client’s specific health and fitness goals in mind.