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How much gym equipment are we buying right now?

How much gym equipment are we buying right now?

Closures have given rise to a wild rush on at-home equipment, new data reveals.

“Comparing March and April sales in 2019 for dumbbells with sales during the same period in 2020 we can see an increase of 1980% according to eBay sales data; meanwhile weight plate sales have increased by 1355% in the same period too.”

While interest in gym memberships decreases overall across the country, the demand for online sessions from personal trainers has increased. During a recent stay with my in-laws (after months of quarantine, the kids — to say nothing of my wife and I — needed some grandparent time), I was impressed to see my mother-in-law taking an online yoga course, webcam and all. According to the CEO of fitness session bookers Gymcatch: “We’ve seen an increase of 2000% in online bookings since the lockdown was introduced compared to the same period in 2019. It’s an incredible increase and one that proves the world is staying on top of health.” … READ MORE @ ZDNET

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