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Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Conference 2022 Showcases Human Performance in New Pavilion

Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Conference 2022 Showcases Human Performance in New Pavilion

The pavilion was dedicated to human performance, from physical fitness to mental well-being, nutrition, spiritual fitness, and sleep

For the first time, the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Conference, which was held for 2022 from October 10-12 in Washington, D.C., had an entire pavilion dedicated to fitness and wellness. Sessions at the pavilion included those by industry members from organizations like BeaverFit USA and Polar USA, and Army leaders discussed applications of Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F).

In 2020, the U.S. Army published the Holistic Health and Fitness System, which revolutionizes how it looks at individual and unit readiness from a health and wellness framework. It goes beyond decades of focusing almost solely on physical fitness to expanding readiness to include nutritional, sleep, mental, and even spiritual areas. Its operating concept lays out a 21-page guide for soldiers and leaders to improve each of those facets.

Companies in attendance at AUSA 2022 showcased tools to bring new athletic methodologies and products to the Army. The pavilion featured daily morning workouts for attendees. BeaverFit USA was the primary coordinator for the industry side of the event, and they provide exercise equipment to the Army.

“It’s a fully interactive training floor specifically designed for that lieutenant colonel or colonel; they’re the ones tasked with implementing [H2F],” Alex Roodhouse, one of BeaverFit’s co-founder told Army Times.

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The new pavilion at AUSA is indicative of larger shifts within the larger Army organization. Sleep deprivation is no longer a badge of honor, and diet is no longer disregarded. Nutrition and holistic wellness are at the forefront of the Army’s attention, as they clearly impact physical performance. The Army’s efforts towards embodying this larger trend speaks volumes to the evolution of the industry. The “tough guy” mentality is no longer celebrated, a large step for overall holistic wellness. As organizations like the Army continue to embrace the importance of mental health, nutrition, and sleep for physical performance, more consumers will follow suit, making better choices for their holistic health.

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