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Why Top Boutique Fitness Brands Choose BeaverFit for Their Equipment Needs

Why Top Boutique Fitness Brands Choose BeaverFit for Their Equipment Needs

High–end fitness operators are saving on real estate costs and delivering the ultimate fitness experiences with BeaverFit’s custom-crafted solutions that go beyond a simple label

Fitness consumers have returned in full force to in-person fitness, and boutique fitness and studio franchises have been steadily growing (6.3% annually) since 2019 — great news for the fitness industry. As competition heats up, many leading fitness franchises have turned to BeaverFit, a leading manufacturer of fitness equipment and facilities, to provide solutions that integrate a brand aesthetic with the unique functional and space requirements of fitness operators.  

Just this year, BeaverFit led manufacturing partnerships with MADabolic, SPENGA, and Earn Your Stripes, each seeing the surging demand for design functionality.

The brand has mastered the outdoor fitness space and earned recognition as the creator of the original container gym. Now, BeaverFit has become a fan favorite of those in the high-end indoor fitness space with unique needs. 

“We’ve rapidly ramped up our indoor capabilities,” said Nick Vay, VP of Commercial Sales for BeaverFit. “That’s one of the fastest-growing parts of our business.”

It’s an area in which BeaverFit’s clients are eager to invest as they look to provide the ultimate fitness experience for members while reducing real estate costs, allowing them to scale.

“Our partners are coming to us and telling us that aesthetic, quality of design, and branding and customization capabilities are their top priorities and pain points,” said Vay. “Of course, price is always important, but those items are more important, as it needs to fit the aesthetic value and functional needs they’re trying to drive within their franchises or studios.”

Fast-growing and successful fitness businesses are aware of a simple fact, points out Vay:

“You can’t have high-end product offerings and a bunch of off-the-shelf fitness equipment that you could get anywhere else,” he said. “They want it to feel like it’s been custom designed for their brand from a functionality perspective, but also from a color design and aesthetic perspective to meet the needs of their space.”

Quality & Attention to Detail That Stand Out

It’s an area that BeaverFit is excited to serve, proud to stand apart from a one-size-fits-all approach with its custom and integrated solutions.

“A lot of things in fitness have continued to be commoditized,” said Vay. “This isn’t a dig on any manufacturer — it’s just the reality of the situation where it can be a race to the bottom from a price perspective and oftentimes quality.” 

BeaverFit’s solutions allow fitness franchises and studios to have on-brand aesthetics, but they go even further, serving functionality needs with engineering expertise. Since many operators struggle to find what they need to deliver a great in-person experience in a high-quality manner on the shelf of another manufacturer, BeaverFit can take the pain points of a fitness business and engineer the ultimate solution. 

It can be little things, such as anchor points for battle ropes or additional storage solutions to tuck products out of the way when not in use.

“It’s always just the little things for those premium products that really differentiate from everything else,” said Vay. “That’s really what we’re trying to lead from.”

credit: BeaverFit/Xponential Fitness

Top Boutique Brands Choose BeaverFit

Other times, BeaverFit’s solutions can be a complete game changer for fitness businesses.

MADabolic, a strength-driven interval training franchise, tapped BeaverFit as it faced rising commercial real estate costs. Unable to find off-the-shelf bay units and products to meet their unique space requirements, BeaverFit created custom units in a specific size just for MADabolic, ensuring that the strength training franchise’s special functionality was also integrated into the units.

“I’m blown away with the custom solutions that these guys provided us,” MADabolic co-founder Brandon Cullen said of BeaverFit. “They are legitimate problem solvers.”

credit: BeaverFit/MADabolic

After discussing what MADabolic required regarding space, design and functionality, BeaverFit created functional bay units that offer a variety of functional training modalities and storage in one space-saving design. With a forward-thinking vision, BeaverFit ensured that the bays could be enhanced and modified over time, allowing MADabolic to grow.

This summer, fitness franchise SPENGA selected BeaverFit as its innovative strength solution provider, with BeaverFit creating an equipment storage and racking system in a single post unit nicknamed the ‘strength pod.’

Although some vendors were trying to sell SPENGA on in-stock, off-the-shelf products, BeaverFit was able to use SPENGA’s exact requirements and create a polished, brand-new product.

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a fitness trainer working with a client

“By partnering with BeaverFit, SPENGA is now able to enhance the member experience by adding functionality and equipment without needing any additional spatial requirements,” said Roger McGreal, co-founder of SPENGA, which combines spin, strength and yoga. 

credit: BeaverFit/SPENGA

Earn Your Stripes Fitness (EYS) also approached BeaverFit with a problem: heavy bags that are used in their four-station fitness concept, but only a portion of the time. 

Not only are the bags extremely heavy, but they also take up a lot of space. Not wanting to remove the bags from the EYS workout, the brand found a solution through BeaverFit, which created a custom adjustable trawler arm within the bay unit so it would be easy to move the heavy bags.

“Part of it was programming,” Vay said of EYS’s former pain point. “How do we continue to deliver the same great program, but improve the design or experience of our classes?” 

The fitness equipment and solution provider also worked with Rumble Boxing to create structurally engineered bridges that could hold 5,000 pounds worth of heavy bags, which, as Vay points out, can’t just be purchased off the shelf.

Design Efficiency Leads to Cost Savings

Not only is BeaverFit addressing custom specs for fitness operators, but it’s also helping businesses maximize real estate — a huge win for brands. 

“If you’re not maximizing that real estate, you’re costing yourself seats in your classes,” Vay said. “How do you make sure you’re maximizing that real estate and space potential without necessarily taking away from the experience that you’re trying to create as well? That’s the delicate balance.”

MADabolic says partnering with BeaverFit is one of the strength-driven interval training franchise’s most significant moves since its inception.

“To date, we’ve seen our footprint shrink by anywhere from 300 to 600 square feet,” Cullen said of BeaverFit’s solution. “If you do some basic math. . . you’re looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars at the end of a 10-year lease. Now that I look at it this way, I don’t know why we didn’t do it earlier.”

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