Justin Gelband, A Top Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Launches App

Gelband, one of the industry’s top celebrity fitness trainers, launched the fitness app in August 2022. Well known for training some of the top runway models, Gelband created his method to enhance strength, stability, and balance, with a focus on the importance of intentionality in every day habits.
Justin Gelband, one of biggest celebrity trainers, has worked with A-listers from Miranda Kerr to Leonardo DiCaprio. His training method relies on intense personalization, keeping in mind each person’s job, lifestyle, and day-to-day habits. Gelband spoke about his unconventional training approach to Athletech News, “What I think about is everything you do on a day-to-day basis. You get up. You brush your teeth. You go outside. Are you carrying your bag on one side? How are you getting into your clothes? I know it sounds crazy. I can go on and on. But that’s how you create movement. And it’s not the same movements or the same exercise that will get you to be fit enough to get on the tennis court. And if you’re going to be in a canoe, you’re doing a totally different exercise to push it. So why is everybody creating one style of training, and saying it’s one size fits all? It’s impossible.”

Gelband’s method includes small but intense movements that promote strength, balance, and stability. Decades ago, Gelband was driving down Santa Monica Boulevard and took a right turn, when he was hit by a driver who ran a red light. Gelband spun around and hit six other cars, and was rushed to the emergency room. At the time, he was in the best shape of his life. After the accident, he underwent a series of surgeries and rehabilitations to recover. When many of the approaches he was taking did not work properly, Gelband decided to start from square one. He played around with movement in new, creative ways—pushing, reaching, launching, squatting, rotating. By using these movements with an overall goal towards balance and stability, Gelband began helping his clients be better with lifestyle and workout changes.

Gelband has launched a new app, JG by Gelband, to share his unique style of training with a broader community. The workouts include both bodyweight and equipment exercises, as well as guided stretches. In addition, to workouts, the app includes a detailed outline of how Gelband developed his methodology. Gelband’s attention to every detail of his clients’ day-to-day activities comes through in the app. The app has an entire section on form and posture, with detailed videos on how to enhance the user’s day-to-day life and health through seemingly simple habits and choices. There is also a “Just Talk” podcast section, where Gelband speaks about a range of topics, included how to foster the mind-body connection.
Through his app, Justin Gelband is excited to share his methodology with a larger audience, “The more you work out, the better you are, the more you understand, the better you will be. What we try to provide is positivity and spirituality. We give our clients love and affection and attention. Because they deserve it.”