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Janelle Trujillo Empowers Executives To Put Their Health First

Janelle Trujillo Empowers Executives To Put Their Health First

Trujillo’s executive coaching business was spurred by a personal insight: for leaders to truly excel, a foundation of robust health is non-negotiable 

In the contemporary business landscape, characterized by its relentless pace and technological saturation, the well-being of executives often takes a backseat to the pursuit of success. 

This imbalance, highlighted in a Deloitte study where nearly 70% of C-suite leaders considered leaving their positions for more health-supportive roles, underscores a critical need: the integration of health coaching into executive leadership development. 

Enter Janelle Trujillo of Auburn, Washington, a wellness specialist in the executive health coaching space, whose work not only enhances individual well-being but also promotes a positive trickle-down effect within organizations. 

A Personal Journey Into Executive Health Coaching

Trujillo’s entry into the health coaching niche was spurred by observing the intense pressures faced by her husband, a growth-minded executive. This personal insight led her to an undeniable conclusion: for executives to truly excel, a foundation of robust health is non-negotiable. 

“Witnessing the impact of healthy habits on my husband’s performance was a revelation,” Trujillo shares, underscoring her holistic approach to coaching that marries physical well-being with peak professional performance.

Compelling evidence supports the significant return on investment (ROI) of executive coaching, with studies showcasing an average ROI of 5.7 times the cost. Such statistics highlight the tangible benefits of incorporating wellness programming into executive development strategies, including enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Trujillo’s coaching philosophy centers on the undeniable link between physical health and an executive’s ability to lead effectively.

“One of the things that I focus on in my coaching is habits, the day-to-day details of what my clients think and do,” she says. “It’s a comprehensive approach that addresses the physical and mental rigors of executive life. When health is compromised—be it through inadequate sleep, stress or poor dietary habits—it’s not just the individual who suffers; the entire organization feels the impact.” 

credit: Janelle Trujillo

3 Pillars of Executive Health

The cornerstone of Trujillo’s program is the focus on three specific habits that have a profound impact on leadership performance: nutrition, sleep and alcohol consumption. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining stable blood sugar levels through regular, healthy meals—a challenge in the back-to-back meeting culture of the corporate world.

“Fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to energy crashes, difficulty focusing, and impaired judgment,” Trujillo warns, highlighting the direct correlation between nutrition and cognitive function.

Sleep and alcohol consumption are equally vital areas of focus. The benefits of adequate rest are clear, while moderating alcohol intake can significantly improve mental clarity and overall performance.

Trujillo’s clients face a range of health-related challenges, from weight gain and metabolic issues to chronic fatigue and elevated stress levels. Her approach goes beyond surface solutions, diving deep into the root causes of these problems.

“Once a client can understand what the root causes of the problems are, then I help them establish new systems,” Trujillo elaborates. This tailored, in-depth process demands time and commitment, but the outcomes speak for themselves. 

Executive coaching has been shown to significantly improve not just business-related outcomes, but also personal development areas such as increased self-confidence and enhanced work performance, relationships and communication skills. These improvements are crucial for executives, whose roles demand high levels of cognitive function, decision-making capabilities and interpersonal skills.

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Advice for Aspiring Executive Health Coaches

Now is a prime time to enter the field. The overall health coaching industry is witnessing substantial growth, with an estimated 128,000 health coaches in the U.S. earning an average yearly salary of $55,220. 

This growth is supported by endorsements from mainstream media and recognition from healthcare organizations, signaling a broader acceptance and integration of health coaching into traditional healthcare and corporate wellness programs. The American Medical Association’s approval of a new Category III CPT code for health coaching, for example, marks a significant step towards recognizing health coaches as essential contributors to the healthcare team.

For health coaches looking to enter the executive coaching niche, Trujillo advises a keen understanding of what motivates this demographic.

“Learn what drives executives,” she says. “Get involved with your community and offer workshops to organizations who are open to learning about how focusing on your health can improve your overall business.”

This transition requires a shift from instructing to guiding—a challenging but rewarding evolution.

Trujillo’s work underscores a pivotal message for today’s executives: lasting success is built on a foundation of good health.

As the business world continues to grapple with the challenges of modern leadership, the role of health coaches like Trujillo in supporting executive leadership will only grow in importance. For those at the helm of business, investing in health is not just a personal choice—it’s a strategic imperative.

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