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Xplor Adds New CrossFit Programming With NCFIT Partnership

Xplor Adds New CrossFit Programming With NCFIT Partnership

Xplor Triib has partnered with NCFIT to empower CrossFit and functional fitness gyms with programming including coaching videos

Xplor Triib, the gym management software for the functional fitness community, has partnered with NCFIT, a fitness programming and coaching development provider for CrossFit gyms. Xplor Triib customers can now subscribe to NCFIT’s programming, including daily class plans, daily coaching and athlete videos, workout insights and bonus programs.

The new resources will help CrossFit gyms consistently deliver a wide variety of dynamic, quality workouts to their members and reduce the time spent preparing individual fitness programs.

Athletech News spoke with Michelle Furniss, general manager of fitness and wellbeing at Xplor Technologies, about the new partnership. 

ATN: What inspired the partnership with NCFIT? 

Michelle Furniss: When we moved into the functional fitness market, we knew immediately that we needed a programming partner. NCFIT is a very well-known and loved brand in the community so it’s a great value-added service to be bringing to our customers. We connected with NCFIT when we were building the Xplor Triib functional fitness tools. The NCFIT team gave us a lot of great feedback on our software, helping us build a stronger product for our coaches and leading the way for the integration on our platform.  

ATN: Why is NCFIT a unique offering in the market?  

MF: NCFIT Collective programming is designed by eight-time CrossFit Games athlete Jason Khalipa and his team. Each workout is tested (NCFIT coaches complete every workout themselves) before distribution to see if any adjustments are needed. There’s lots of affiliate programming available to gyms and studios but few are as comprehensive, engaging and fun as NCFIT. 

ATN: What are your short- and long-term goals for the partnership?  

MF: Our short-term goal for the partnership with NCFIT is to bring this option to our customers and give every gym and studio owner more time back in their day-to-day.

Longer-term, the sky’s the limit.  Our ambition is to make Xplor Triib the number-one choice for CrossFit and functional fitness gym and studio owners. How will we do that? By making sure Xplor Triib has everything an owner wants and needs to run and grow their business. We have worked with NCFIT to finetune the Xplor Triib program builder, so gyms can build their programs in under an hour, compared to multiple hours on other platforms. We’ll continue to use NCFIT’s feedback to improve Xplor Triib to make sure it has the fastest, easiest-to-use program builder in the market. 

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ATN: Who can NCFIT benefit most in the functional fitness space? 

MF: Gym owners who are looking to scale their business will benefit most from using NCFIT programming in Xplor Triib. Writing programming takes a lot of time: time that can be used on building your community, sales and marketing, managing your team or just in getting some balance back in your life. It’s like hiring someone to clean your house or do your landscaping.  Since time is finite and you still need to get everything done, outsourcing some tasks to give you more time to focus on the important things really makes sense for our busy customers.   

ATN: What else stands out about NCFIT’s programming?

MF: Coach’s notes are also provided within NCFIT programming. For example, if a front squat is in the program, then a coach’s note might be to cue the athletes to keep their elbows high and their gaze straight ahead. Providing these points of performance and notes to coaches alongside the actual programming helps to enhance the overall quality of the workout programs and the workout experience during class. This helps save gym managers’ time, especially when bringing new coaches up to speed, and more importantly, it improves the overall quality and consistency of workouts for everyone in class.

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