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Scaling Smart: How Momence’s AI Corporate Dashboard is Catapulting Client’s Growth

Scaling Smart: How Momence’s AI Corporate Dashboard is Catapulting Client’s Growth

Product image for Momence
Athletech News talks to Momence CEO and co-founder about the unique challenges faced by franchise businesses and how tech is helping overcome them

Vojta Drmota wakes up every day motivated to bring ecommerce-level innovative software to experience-based fitness and wellness companies — a growing part of the economy that he says is highly underserved.

In 2020, Drmota co-founded Momence, a modern, consolidated reporting, booking, marketing and communications platform for yoga and Pilates studios, gyms, clinics, PTs, wellness studios, salons, spas, sports facilities and more — helping thousands of brands address the challenges of running and scaling their businesses that existing technology hasn’t been able to solve. The goal is for Momence to be the one place where the entire business is run.

Athletech News spoke to Drmota to gain insights on where and how Momence is using AI and advanced tech to shift the paradigm and best support studios of all sizes.

Athletech News (ATN): What AI trends do you foresee having the most significant impact and what are some examples regarding how Momence is reacting to the trends?

Vojta Drmota (VD): At Momence, we’re not following AI trends like generating content or automating sales. Instead, we’re focused on helping business owners operate more efficiently. We’ve prioritized enhanced reporting through AI to give owners a clear view of their business’s health at a glance. On Momence, all essential data is consolidated into one easy-to-understand dashboard, providing immediate, actionable insights that help business owners save time, cut costs and focus on growth. 

All business owners have to do is interact with the AI chat and ask questions such as: List the top 5 locations that have the highest lead to intro and intro into membership conversion rates

product photo Momence
credit: Momence

ATN: How does this AI-Powered Corporate Dashboard specifically address the unique challenges faced by multi-location and franchise businesses?

VD: It tackles their unique challenges and pain points with the following:

Our Franchise Setup feature allows owners to easily create new franchise locations with preset configurations, from pricing and appointments to staff roles, membership contracts and marketing templates, all set at the corporate level.

Momence’s Royalty Free Collection process facilitates automatic collection of royalties directly into the corporate account at the point of sale, eliminating the risk of franchisees defaulting on fees while saving on merchant fees.

Aggregated Reporting allows owners and operators to view the entire lead-to-member journey and identify areas of opportunity where the journey could be optimized to increase conversion and retention rates. 

AI-Powered Insights are integrated throughout the platform, providing data-driven suggestions for areas of improvement based on the corporate dashboard. By interacting with the AI and asking questions, it guides you on the best course of action. You can also leverage these insights to identify opportunities for increased acquisition spending, boost top-line revenue, open or sell franchises in new regions, and much more.

product photo of Momence software
credit: Momence

ATN: Can you share case study examples that demonstrate the pain points you solve for businesses?

VD: Stretchmed is one example. They are a rapidly expanding assisted-stretching franchise, and a great example of how to remain competitive in the market while scaling.

Stretchmed migrated to Momence a year ago and, to quote Bradley Kennedy, their director of sales & operations, “We were using a hodgepodge of six different platforms and software solutions and we wanted to scale. We needed a system that would scale with us and Momence has been the perfect solution.”

Today, Stretchmed can preset roles, permissions and settings all in one central place.

The AI Corporate Dashboard has been especially impactful in allowing the company to keep tabs on its new franchise locations, aggregating data automatically rather than loading it into spreadsheets individually.

With Momence, they can instantly access and update key data points for their entire sales funnel across all locations, providing real-time insights needed for decision-making.

These capabilities have transformed their marketing, lead management, client retention strategies, and efforts to increase the lifetime value of members.

To that end, the company has seen a 75% increase in growth since switching over to Momence, and Bradley says they’ve been able to drive massive improvements in nearly all stages of their sales funnel.

The Foundry is another example. This is a hot yoga and fitness studio headquartered in Arizona that has evolved from a multi-location / licensee model to a franchise model with five locations corporately owned and two franchisees who each own two locations.

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Woman signing into a group fitness class

As they transitioned franchising, Niki Fillmore, COO and marketing director, explained that a consolidated platform solution was key to their success.

Previously, they relied on multiple platforms to manage and track various revenue streams like retail, teacher training and retreats, requiring their CFO to manually export, aggregate and report data monthly.

Today this looks completely different. All of the information lives on one platform and the Momence AI dashboard shows it all at a glance.

In less than a year, they have seen a 30% increase in revenue month over month. They’re about to launch paid advertising via the Momence Ads manager and we are all excited for even more growth and results.  

headshots of Bradley Kennedy and Niki Fillmore
Bradley Kennedy, Stretchmed director of sales & operations; Niki Filmore, COO and marketing director, Foundry

ATN: What’s next for Momence?

VD: Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for corporate franchises at any stage to grow and scale with confidence as their software powers the back office of their business. 

To this end, one thing we are working on is enhancing the corporate dashboard for franchise businesses by enabling A/B testing of different services, products and offers. Once the optimal option is identified, a single click will allow implementation in a specific region, territory or across all locations.

Momence’s competitive advantage really is that we’re an all-in-one platform for franchises in terms of scheduling, payments, communications, marketing and accounting. And when this is paired with the AI-Powered Corporate Dashboard operators and owners can automate or customize royalty fee collection, ensure operational efficiency via user management, and achieve full transparency with your business data, reporting, and AI. Along with so much more. 

Learn more about how the AI-Powered Corporate Dashboard can work for your multi-location or franchise business by scheduling a discovery call with Momence.

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