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Workout Workaround: How Gyms are Getting Themselves Reclassified as ‘Essential’

Workout Workaround: How Gyms are Getting Themselves Reclassified as ‘Essential’

As the pandemic forced Terry Delamater’s two Bakersfield-area fitness centers to shut down for months, the pharmacist-turned-gym-owner in desperation turned to his county supervisor for help. Maybe, Delamater suggested, the gyms could reopen as an essential business? 

After all, Delamater said, he had kept up his pharmacist license. And he and his daughter had been working since last year with a national organization, the Medical Fitness Association, to certify the Sculpt 365 gyms as “medical fitness centers.” 

The Kern County supervisor, Mike Maggard, in turn appealed to… READ MORE @ Cal Matters

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