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Hot-yoga domes could be the new social-distancing fitness craze

Hot-yoga domes could be the new social-distancing fitness craze

From private dining pods to solo party pods, the best way to isolate among others is in one’s own personal bubble. Now, there’s a way to practice your downward dog in one, too.

In Toronto, a new pop-up event lets sick-of-Zoom yoga enthusiasts take in-person — and totally socially distanced — classes, thanks to individual geodesic domes.

Spaced evenly apart on the grounds of Lake Ontario-front Hotel X, these 50 clear bubbles measure more than 7 feet tall and 12 feet wide — and include built-in heating systems to mimic the warmth of a hot-yoga studio. And after each class, the domes get sanitized by certified cleaners… READ MORE @ NYPOST

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