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Maximize Your Program Design Productivity as a Fitness Coach

Maximize Your Program Design Productivity as a Fitness Coach

To increase program design efficiency, you must take a 360-degree approach to assess efficiency blockers in your daily life

Productivity is often seen as a straightforward measure of output. For fitness coaches, this could mean the number of clients they handle, the programs they design, communication with clients or the results they achieve. However, enhancing productivity isn’t just about doing more in less time. It’s about recognizing both overt and subtle factors that influence one’s efficiency

The idea of improving efficiency and productivity has been a hot topic (for good reason) over the last few years. This was obvious with the success of James Clear’s book, “Atomic Habits.” Let’s dig in and discuss what it means to improve our productivity and output relative to a task that can feel quite mundane to coaches: program design.

Identify and Assess

Before starting on any productivity-enhancing journey, the very first step is making a deliberate decision. This intention means you’re committed to understanding the dynamics of your efficiency and keen to make improvements.

So, how do you gauge your current efficiency levels? Reflect on the following:

  1. How long does it take you, on average, to design a weekly program for your clients?
  2. How long would you like it to take?
  3. How do you feel when designing your training programs?
  4. Think back to the last time you remember being inefficient in design. What was the reason or cause for this inefficiency (efficiency blocker)?
  5. How can you ensure this efficiency blocker doesn’t get in your way again?
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you run out of efficiency blockers.

By confronting these questions and identifying moments of inefficiency, you can pinpoint specific blockers hindering your productivity. Tackling these barriers head-on ensures they won’t obstruct your program design process.

Solve the Root of the Problem

With your list of efficiency blockers at hand, the real challenge is addressing the core of these barriers rather than seeking temporary fixes. A prevalent productivity killer for many is Technological Interruptions. In the digital age, our devices often dictate our routines, with incessant pings and alerts disrupting our flow.

A solution like “Unplug During Design Times” seems straightforward, but breaking deep-seated habits isn’t a cakewalk. Instead of merely silencing notifications during work, dig deeper:

  • Set specific times to check emails or communication platforms.
  • Distance yourself from your phone to break the impulse of constant checking.
  • Consider deleting apps that aren’t essential or are particularly distracting.

Addressing the root of these distractions ensures you’re not merely slapping on a temporary fix but truly evolving your workflow.

credit: OPEX Fitness

Constructing Your Efficiency Blueprint

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You’re now equipped with insights about your blockers and strategies to dismantle them. It’s time to craft a tailored strategy:

  • Pre-Commit: Sharing your goals, like how many programs you intend to craft daily or the optimal time spent per client, can introduce an accountability layer. Also, identify when you’re most alert and focused, and allocate your program design tasks to these time slots.
  • Tackle the Root: It’s crucial to distinguish between addressing symptoms and rooting out the real issue. Dive deep into the habits associated with your blockers and strategize ways to eliminate them.
  • Cherish Free Time: Constantly being occupied doesn’t equate to being productive. Designate moments in your day for relaxation and mental reprieve. Let your mind wander—it’s the brain’s way of resetting.
  • Self-Care: The state of your body and mind directly impacts productivity. Ensure you’re fueling yourself with nutritious food, ample sleep, regular movement, hydration and personal time.

Productivity, especially in coaching, isn’t merely about metrics. It’s about the balance between delivering quality and maintaining personal well-being. It’s about recognizing that while there are moments for focused work, there are equally critical moments for rest and rejuvenation.

On a side note, recognizing the technological gaps in the coaching world led to the inception of our platform, CoachRx. We envisioned a tool that negates technological inefficiencies, acting as a trusted ally in a coach’s productivity journey.

See Carl’s previous column here.

Next week’s column: The Power of Consistency

Carl Hardwick, CEO of OPEX Fitness & CoachRx, is a strong advocate for bringing honor to the coaching profession and raising the value of all fitness coaches. He lectures frequently about program design, business systems, and building a sustainable coaching career. Follow him on Instagram @hardwickcarl and OPEX Fitness on YouTube

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