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Best Buy’s pivot to virtual fitness during COVID yields results, more engagement

Best Buy’s pivot to virtual fitness during COVID yields results, more engagement

The coronavirus outbreak has forced corporate wellness programs to go digital–and the results have been positive.

Like many other corporate campuses, Best Buy’s 16,000-square-foot on-site fitness center (the Wellness Zone) that serves its 1,400-plus corporate employees, has been empty since mid-March when the COVID-19 pandemic began. As employees started working from home, it became obvious: the company had to do something to engage these 1,400-plus team members who were now working from home full-time for the foreseeable future and build off the momentum their onsite program provided with its fitness and well-being options.

So, Best Buy activated its Wellness Zone Facebook page to help support the health and well-being of its employees… READ MORE @

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