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The Wellness Revolution: A Deep Dive with Perspire Sauna Studio

The Wellness Revolution: A Deep Dive with Perspire Sauna Studio

woman sitting in sauna
Jackie Mendes explores how changing consumer priorities are reshaping health trends and what sets Perspire apart in this dynamic landscape

Over the past five years, the fitness industry has undergone a profound transformation as consumers have redefined their approach to well-being. The focus has shifted toward holistic wellness, prompting gyms and studios to adapt rapidly and leading to the emergence of numerous new brands catering to these evolving needs.

Meanwhile, established brands with over a decade of experience continue to offer deep expertise and a strong foundation in wellness, reflecting the industry’s long-term commitment to this comprehensive approach.

One such brand is Perspire Sauna Studio. Since 2010, the brand has been uniquely delivering infrared sauna therapy designed to help with detoxification, relaxation, and overall wellness.

Athletech News sat down with Jackie Mendes, director of franchise sales for Perspire Sauna Studio, and industry veteran to discuss this seismic shift, how it’s impacting the industry, and what the future might look like.

This conversation has been lightly edited for clarity and length.

woman sitting in sauna
Credit: Perspire Sauna Studio

Athletech News ( ATN): What are the key factors that have been driving the focus on holistic wellness and recovery methodologies?

Jackie Mendes (JM): I think from a big-picture standpoint, healthcare in America is not working. For years it’s been focused on disease treatment versus prevention. There has been an extreme reliance on pharmaceutical drugs. In essence, we have been outsourcing our healthcare.

While this route seems appropriate to treat acute conditions, individuals do have some control over chronic conditions. We can help ourselves through prevention versus always turning to drugs or other treatments as a first line of defense.

Americans are realizing this. That’s what’s driving this shift.

We are now empowered to understand our bodies better and analyze our bloodwork and data points through wearables to live healthier lives without relying on pharmaceutical drugs or invasive treatments with side effects. Americans are increasingly directing their spending toward prevention rather than treatment.

There is an interesting new report from Deloitte that references the well-being dividend – investing in one’s own well-being and reaping the returns. The report suggests that this type of investment will shape the future of health spending in the U.S. and I think so too.

ATN: Were we seeing any of this before 2020?

JM: 100%. 

I think over the last several years Americans have been getting smarter and have been looking for other means to remain healthy. There was a groundswell of sorts happening, and then the pandemic spurred a great awakening.

Jackie Mendes, director of franchise sales

ATN: Do you think people are shifting away from fitness to replace it with wellness?

JM: No. It is not an either-or. Both are imperative and I think people realize this distinction.

People are still working out and investing in fitness, but their motivations have evolved. Beyond just looking good, individuals now exercise to enhance heart and brain health, improve biomarkers, prevent disease, and more. The reasons that are driving fitness are now deeper and more comprehensive, which is exciting.

Wellness is the other side of the coin, and people are vested in both aspects. At Perspire Sauna Studio, we see this daily as our members come in to recover, rejuvenate, boost their immunity, enhance their sleep, and heal on a cellular level. Combining wellness with exercise represents the future of health.

ATN: Is the wellness market becoming saturated, and how does Perspire Sauna Studio fit in?

JM: I think there is room for growth in this market. It’s not going away.  

The climate makes me even more bullish about the benefits of Perspire Sauna Studio.

One thing I love about the model is its simplicity. Perspire Sauna Studio is like an extension of your home. If the gym is your third place after work and home, this is your “safe place.”

From a mental standpoint, it forces you to get off your screen, it restores at a cellular level, it feels good, and it’s easy to fit into everyday life. These are huge draws.

Perspire Sauna Studio has seen remarkable growth and is not slowing down. 

person checking into fitness facility
Credit: Perspire Sauna Studio

ATN: Do you believe that the current intense interest in “everything wellness” might diminish over time?

JM: This shift is new, so it is – as you say – intense. Over time, I think it will simply be part of our lives. It will be how we live.

See Also

As Americans make this shift, the next generation will follow suit. I already see it happening with my son. He reads food labels. He cares about what he’s putting into his body and how he’s treating his body.

I think you will see services like Perspire Sauna Studio in every neighborhood. Hot and cold therapy will be staples – like walking. Promoting cellular health just makes sense for health, wellness, and longevity.

ATN: What does Perspire Sauna Studio offer that others do not?

JM: In addition to the myriad of health benefits, it is a wholly private escape where members can unplug to restore mental and physical health on a daily and weekly basis.

Our proprietary sauna offers the full spectrum of infrared (IR) and medical-grade red light therapy (RLT).

The experience is highly personalized with member preferences such as temperature, music choice, entertainment options, and more.  

Perspire Sauna Studio offers an elevated high-touch hospitality-driven experience.

person sitting in sauna
Credit: Perspire Sauna Studio

ATN: How will you remain relevant and stand out in this crowded space?

JM: Heat therapy will always be relevant. It’s been used for centuries for its many health benefits. So Perspire Sauna Studio will always be sauna-centric.

We will continue to stand out through session enhancements and ongoing innovation in personalization.

Members can choose to enhance their sessions with Halo Therapy and benefit from Contrast Therapy with our new Cold Shower option. We have some other really exciting enhancements on the way.

ATN: What excites you about the future of wellness?

JM: I think we are just getting started. I foresee a massive shift in the metabolic dysfunction that plagues Americans today. I can’t wait to see what this looks like when my son gets older and how we might be able to turn around the statistics on heart disease, cancer, and more. I think we are going in an amazing direction and I’m glad to be part of this.

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