Les Mills CORE Classes Can Keep Back Pain at Bay

Lower back pain is extremely common, but new research reveals which exercises can help alleviate (and prevent) such aches and pains
Les Mills has released the results of its first research study of the year, revealing that targeted core classes can be the key to alleviating back pain.
Most people can relate, with an estimated 85% experiencing back pain in their lifetimes. Many seek out massage and other more passive modalities to alleviate an aching back, but new research on the prevention and treatment of lower back pain is promising.
According to a new study published in the International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science, regular core–focused group workouts can ease lower back pain by increasing dynamic core stability.
An 8-week study was conducted, with participants with a history of lower back pain divided into two groups. The first group did not exercise, whereas the second group attended bi-weekly Les Mills CORE fitness classes, which were designed to improve core strength, stability, and endurance.
Muscle activity was measured before and after the workout, and participants in the CORE fitness class improved their plank endurance by 45%, extensor endurance by 35%, and abdominal strength by 14%.
Unsurprisingly, the group that did not exercise saw no significant improvement.
However, those with pre-existing lower back pain saw benefits from the core workouts, showing that movement is an ideal remedy as opposed to prescription painkillers or simply resting, said Lead Researcher Dr. Gillian Hatfield, an Associate Professor in Kinesiology at Canada’s University of the Fraser Valley.
By reducing “sedentary time,” those with lower back pain can improve the endurance of lower back muscles, and the increased blood flow and mobility can help reduce pain and stiffness, Hatfield explained.
“The results suggest a relatively short exercise intervention can yield marked improvements in strength, which is important because muscle weakness is a significant contributor to lower back pain. If a muscle has to work beyond its strength or endurance capacity it is easy to incur an injury,” said Hatfield.
Bryce Hastings, Les Mills Head of Research, points out that the prevalence of lower back pain often occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, particularly long periods of sitting.
“Many of us spend most of our workday sitting, then come home and sit in the evening. Even people who get the recommended amount of physical activity can also spend a lot of time being sedentary,” said Hastings.
Sitting causes the postural muscles to become weaker and less supportive, and a prolonged slouched position can lead to injury and pain, he added.
“The muscles activated during core classes play a vital role in preventing this. The research shows Les Mills CORE is a safe, accessible, and effective intervention to increase abdominal strength and endurance, as well as back extensor endurance, even for people with a history of lower back pain,” Hastings said, sharing tips to alleviate back pain on the Les Mills site.