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Fireside Chat: Digital Revenue Systems’ CEO Taylor Watkins on the Power of Digital Signage

Fireside Chat: Digital Revenue Systems’ CEO Taylor Watkins on the Power of Digital Signage

In this latest “Fireside Chat” video, Digital Revenue Systems CEO Taylor Watkins joins Athletech News Founder and CEO Edward Hertzman to discuss why there’s more to digital signage than just advertising, how to foster retention through it and the different ways gyms can establish a “vibe.” 

Hertzman and Watkins also touch on the importance of good customer service in today’s day and age as well as getting a return on your experiences, rather than just your investments. The pair also go over real-life situations where digital signage made a difference at gyms and explain the concept’s monetary and administrative potential. 

Watch the full interview for expert commentary on the following:

See Also
Woman signing into a group fitness class

  • Misconceptions about digital signage
  • Assisting local businesses
  • Low-lift retention

Key Talking Points:

  • 0:00 – 1:16) Introductions
  • (1:16 – 5:19) Impact of digital signage and aesthetic
  • (5:19 – 7:00) Developing specific strategies with brands
  • (7:00 – 11:25) How digital signage spurs retention
  • (11:25 – 14:02) Putting ads you control in gyms 
  • (14:02 – 16:50) Handling tech support and installation
  • (16:50 – 19:49) Making local businesses top of mind
  • (19:49 – 23:17) DRS success stories
  • (23:17 – 24:24) Wrap up
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