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Product of the Week: Hyperice X Shoulder Modernizes Contrast Therapy

Product of the Week: Hyperice X Shoulder Modernizes Contrast Therapy

The Hyperice X Shoulder ranges from 35 degrees to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, providing users with on-demand contrast therapy

With the growing popularity of strength training and racquet sports like pickleball, shoulder pain and injuries seem to be more prevalent than ever among the general population. Hyperice is aiming to fix that problem.

Following the success of Hyperice X Knee, the wellness tech company introduced Hyperice X Shoulder, an adaptive shoulder strap that provides on-demand hot and cold therapy for at-home use.

Athletech News put the Hyperice X Shoulder to the test to see if can deliver on its promises of pain relief and portability


The Hyperice X Shoulder can quickly switch between hot and cold therapy within 60 seconds, with temperatures ranging from 35 degrees to 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The device only weighs two pounds and fastens across the chest with a two-strap system that can be used on either shoulder. 

The app is well-designed and allows for easy customization of the routine’s time and the device’s temperature. It also includes pre-programmed routines based on one’s goals. Shoulder X’s battery life is 1.5 hours, or can be used for longer while plugged in. One other benefit of the device was that it can be used for body parts other than one’s shoulder as the straps can be tightened and readjusted.  

credit: Hyperice


For those without strenuous training routines or serious shoulder injuries, the device is a large investment, at $399 (on sale for $369 at time of publishing). Consumers who would mainly be buying the product for its heat therapy likely have cheaper options that would do the trick, such as heating pads. It also did not get as warm as some of the other Hyperice devices, such as the Venom Back (which can go up 160 degrees Fahrenheit). What sets the product apart is its iceless (and therefore mess-less) cold therapy. 

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In addition, while the device was light and fairly portable, it did feel bulky, particularly with the chest strap. Doing activities such as computer work or household tasks was not as seamless as expected, particularly with its temperature-regulating modules. While an ice pack would be far more cumbersome, X Shoulder did restrict some movement due to its size and shape. 

The device was also not the most intuitive to use without the Bluetooth device, as the buttons were not clearly labeled for toggling between the hot and cold therapy. For those who prefer to use devices without an accompanying app, this device might not be the best fit. 

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Hyperice X Shoulder is a great product for those with specific needs, such as strenuous training routines or serious shoulder injuries, particularly if they want to prioritize cold therapy for recovery. However, if users are mostly looking to optimize for heat therapy, there are likely less expensive options on the market that might prove more effective. 

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