Solidcore Employees Say Its CEO Created A Culture Of Toxicity & Sexual Harassment.

“I was just a shell of myself,” one former employee said. “We worked so hard and we were never working hard enough.”
Emily Collinson returned to work at Solidcore, a high-end, rapidly expanding boutique fitness studio patronized by Michelle Obama and Ivanka Trump, on the first day gyms were able to reopen under Washington, DC’s coronavirus guidelines in late June. She taught two classes, one at 6 a.m. and one an hour later. She didn’t feel safe.
To give clients 6 feet of distance between them, Solidcore has flipped half their workout machines so that people can work out head-toe, head-toe, with their faces 6 feet apart. But the machines themselves are only about 2 feet apart, and people in class are face-to-face for some exercises. This arrangement violates the DC Department of Health’s coronavirus guidelines, which state that… READ MORE @ Buzzfeed